Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Perfect Resume Easy to Read and Easy to Search
The Perfect Resume Easy to Read and Easy to SearchThe Perfect Resume Easy to Read and Easy to SearchA 21st century resume must follow the old rules of grammar, brevity and clarity, but with a twist Google must find it first.Whats the perfect resume for the 21st century? It must be clear enough that a human can read it in less than 60 seconds and optimized for search engines like Google to find among thousands of other resumes.All the old rules of grammar, brevity and clarity still apply, but with a twist the document needs to be found by a search engine crawling a database of submitted resumes or the Web, said Irene Marshall, a career coach and resume writer who founded Tools for Transition, of Fremont, Calif. Marshall is also one TheLadders Resume writers.Humans, typically a corporate recruiter or human resources associate, make the decision of whether to pass along your resume to a hiring manager, so everything you write should be grammatical, clear, simple and understandable, Ma rshall said. But many use specific search terms and algorithms to sift through thousands of resumes in a database to narrow the pool of resumes to read.What is the search engine looking for? Keywords, Marshall said. Your resume should include all the hot keywords that describe the industries in which youve worked, your skills, and more importantly, the skills and jobs associated with the positions you are looking for, she said. For example, if a recruiter is trying to fill a position for internal auditor, they will likely search the database of resumes for assessment, einhaltung and regulatory environment. The result only resumes that contain those words will make it to their desk.Search-friendly resumesMarshall recommends a few simple steps to meet the demands of human and machineHeadline Resumes should always start with a headline that characterizes a job candidate in the same way a product name characterizes the product ideally, so the intended audience knows exactly what its g etting before it even picks up the package.Summary of skills Follow the headline with a summary that would be the way youd describe yourself, absent both modesty and unmerited arrogance, and if you knew the characteristics about yourself that others value most.Expertise The Areas of Expertise section should list all of your major skills, abilities and past responsibilities. These should be written so theyre useful to a recruiter reading them for content, but most importantly, they must contain the important keywords associated with the job you want. Your Areas of Expertise should all be hot-button search terms terms that will cause you to appear highly in a search of resumes.Before you write, define your goalsBefore you write one keyword of your resume, be sure to define your goal, Marshall said. What job are you really looking for, and what elements of your work history or skills will get it for you? Once you decide, focus your master resume on it, then tweak or customize that v ersion to adapt to other opportunities as well.Marshall typically asks clients to send her ads for three jobs they have pursued or would like to pursue. If they cant find three, or cant narrow it down to three, theyre probably elend focused enough, she says.Dont make or keep a whole list of resumes for different purposes. If youre spending a lot of time juggling resumes, you probably havent defined the goal properly, Marshall said. Focus on the goal, and stick to it it will maximize your chances with your best opportunities and keep you from wasting time on jobs you might not really want.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Einstein, Aristotle, and Ockham on how real geniuses solve problems
Einstein, Aristotle, and Ockham on how real geniuses solve problemsEinstein, Aristotle, and Ockham on how real geniuses solve problemsBorn in late 1287, in the small village of Ockham in England, William of Ockham, a Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopzu sich, wasnt one to shy away from airing his radical views.The controversial figure spent much of his life on the run. In part for charges of heresy. And ironically, in part for brandishing Pope John XXII as a heretic.But William of Ockhams legacy stretches much further than dramatic movie-like scenes. That is, the plot of a devout monk who rebukes the churchs lavish lifestyle and advocates for Christ-like abject poverty, flees from capture on horseback under cover of darkness and takes refuge under the Holy Roman Emperor in Italy. 1Ockhams controversial views have profoundly influenced modern philosophy, science, theology and logic, and many great thinkers who have shaped history.And as the old adage goes, great minds think alik e.And so, it is no coincidence that William of Ockham shared similar views with real geniuses like Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Da Vinci and Hemingway.There is, however, one strikingly similar idea that they all share in common.Its an idea about problems- specifically, how to solve difficult problems in life and work, or as Aristotle writes in Posterior AnalyticsWe may assume the superiority ceteris paribus of the demonstration which derives from fewer postulates or hypotheses. (Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, p. 150.)Dont worry. If you couldnt comprehend Aristotles words, keep reading to untangle them.The obvious life saverBrevity is the soul of wit - William ShakespeareIn 2001, an adorable, bubbly, happy 18-month-old child, Josie King, wandered unsupervised into the bathroom of a brand new family home in Baltimore. 2In her usual playful curiosity, Josie leaned over the bathtub, stretched her little fingers to twist a knob and dipped her tiny toes into the gust of running water filling the bathtub.Within a few seconds, Josie, the last born child of four children, unleashed a siren like loud scream. Her panicked parents rushed into the bathroom. A sorrowful 911 call was answered.Josie was briskly rushed to the John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The 150 degree scorching water in the bathtub caused second degree burns and tore apart over 60% of the skin on Josies body.Josie survived the accident. But, there was a major problem.Josie- now covered with sterile dressings and hooked up to tube machines in the hospital- appeared to struggle with thirst.The medical staff paid no mind to this detail. But, they had inserted a thin tube, called the catheter, into Josies veins.Josies desert-like craving for water worsened. Ms.King, Josies mother, sounded the alarm. The nurses and doctors turned a blind eye. They were caught up in a chess game of bureaucracy.Josies eyes now appear to roll back into her head. Ms. King waves a signal of distress. Josie wrestles with a cardiac arrest. Josies heart stops beating. Josie dies in the arms of her mother.Who or what caused Josies death? The hot bathtub water? The dehydration?The answer an infection caused by the catheter inserted into her veins. The hospital was at fault. And Josie wasnt a lone victim.According to the C.D.C, an estimated 31,000 people die each year from bloodstream infections contracted in a similar fashion.The catheter infection problem was an epidemic across hospitals. It killed more people than breast or prostate krebs in a given year.Notably at the time, the infection rates after a catheter insertion were a whooping 11 per 1,000 patients at the John Hopkins Hospital- which ranked within the bottom 10 percent of hospitals in the USA. 3There were no solutions to this headache of a problem, and so, hospitals waved a white flag, and accepted the infections as the norm. Little girls like Josie would continue to die in an unceremonious manner.But, Dr. Peter Pronovost , an intensive care specialist at Johns Hopkins Hospital, had had enough of the high mortality. He lamented, This can be stopped. Hospital infections arent like a disease theres no cure for.Pronovost took the bull by the horns and proposed a new solution to solve the infection problem.Unlike preceding complex solutions that failed to save the Josies of the world, Pronovost took a peculiar route.His solution was awfully simple a plain old checklist.The checklist included instructions like wash your hands with soap before inserting the catheter, cover the patients with sterile drapes, make sure that doctors and nurses wear gloves, hats, masks and gowns. These were simple, obvious directions that virtually all medical professionals had known.In what was known as the Keynote Initiative, Pronovost put his elementary checklist to the test in hospitals resided in the city of Michigan. 4Pronovost declared. Doctors and nurses hemmed and hawed. Executives scoffed.After the first three months of hospitals implementing the checklist, the central line infection rate in Michigans hospitals magnificently dropped by sixty-six percent- outperforming over 90 percent of ICUs across the USA.Over the span of an eighteen month period, Pronovosts checklist saved more than 1,500 lives and an estimated $175 million in health care costs. (SourceThe Checklist Manifesto How to Get Things Right)Pronovost had stumbled upon a supreme philosophy shared by many of the greatest minds in the history of mankind.That philosophy exhorts the idea that difficult problems are best solved by the most simple solution.And this idea is best encapsulated by auseful heuristic. Its called the Occams Razor.The power of Occams RazorSimplicity Is Complexity Resolved - Constantin BrancusiAfter several close shaves and before his passing away in 1347, Ockham expressed strong sentiments based on the principle of parsimony, which says, dont multiply entities beyond necessity.In other words, given a choice between a simple or a complex solution, the former is often the correct answer to a given problem.Ockhams minimalist philosophy was later formalized as theOccams Razor- although he didnt invent the underlying logic of simplicity.The termrazoris a befitting ausprgung of the process of simplifying or shaving off the inessential details of a proposed solution.Following Ockhams death, several prominent figures throughout history have adopted Occams Razor to solve difficult problems that would later revolutionise the way we think and live today.In the beginning of Book III of Principia Mathematica (1687), Sir Isaac Newton imports a version of Occams Razor as one of his three Rules of Reasoning in PhilosophyRule I We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.Newton elaborates his point by explaining thatNature is pleased with simplicity, and affects not the pomp of superfluous causes. 5Then, in 1963, Einstein wrote thatTh e grand aim of all scienceis to cover the greatest possible number of empirical facts by logical deductions from the smallest possible number of hypotheses or axioms. 6Einsteins iconic simple equation, E=MC2, is a poster child example of how to solve difficult problems using Occams Razor.Employing only two variables and one constant, Einstein solved the ancient complex problem of the relationship between matter and energy.The invisible hand of Occams Razor has influenced virtually all aspects of modern breakthroughs.Whether its the minimalist designs of Frank Lloyd Wrights modern homes or Steve Jobs iPhone and Mac computers, Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations or Darwins Natural Selection, Watsons DNA discovery or Hemingways Iceberg theory, Occams Razor has been an invaluable tool for solving a wide spectrum of complex problems across a plethora of disciplines.But the use of Occams Razor isnt limited to once in a generation geniuses. It can also be adopted as a weapon to solve difficult p roblems in everyday life.Keep it simple, stupidLife is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ? ConfuciusThere appears to be a puzzling journey that we travel through, from simplicity to complexity.First, we try our hands on a simple solution. In this case, lets say we attempt to sleep for eight hours each night in order to improve our health.Then, when we struggle tofollow through on our plans, we throw the simple solution out with the bathwater and just like treasure-seeking pirates, hunt for a more complex quick fix.And of course, at this point, the wolf licking advertising companies, fitness trainers and Instagram celebrities, begin to salivate at the prospect of devouring the monetary contents of our wallet in exchange for their magic pill promises to solve said health problems.We oblige them. And feed the mouth of the barely regulated USD 133.1 billion supplement industry and USD 87.23 billion fitness club outfits. 7But, what happens when they fail to deliver o n their tantalizing promises? We throw ourselves into a frenzy in search of the next best complex solution complicated fitness apps, fat burning supplements, robotic ab machines, feather-light running shoes, eight meals a day diet plans and smart watches.Then predictably those also go downhill. And the Sherlock Holmes-like search for the mysterious solution continues.This vicious cycle can be sidestepped through perseverance with a simple solution.For example, for years I scratched my head searching for the best way to improve my writing and build an audience.I devoured volumes of articles online, invested in countless training courses and sheepishly followed expert advice. But, I wasnt making visible headway. Plus, my bank account had become chummy with Mr. Overdraft. And so, out of pure frustration, I quit my colonial quest for a perfect solution.As it turns out, whats worked best for me so far is to write, publish and share at least one article each week. Simples.Its not interest ing. Its not sexy. But, it works. And likewise, the simple solutionTo problems with weight lossis toeat healthy mealsconsisting of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water andsleep at least 8 hours a day.To problems with relationshipsis toexpress gratitudeoften, listen more than you speak and set aside time for intimacy.To problems with personal financesis to save money for an emergency fund, minimize expenses, invest in assets and stick to a fixed budget.To problems with productivityis tobuild the habit of finishing,focus on the most important things early in the dayandcreate a distraction free environment.To problems with leadershipis topractice empathy, celebrate small achievements and reinforce the vision through leading by example.A common error that sways us to fall into the deep pothole of complexity, is the naive assumption that simplicity is an easy feat to pull off.But, as the late Steve Jobs expressedSimple can be harder than complex you have to wo rk hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But its worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. (Interview with Wired, 1996)Sticking with simple solutions through thick and thin, can often be terribly strenuous. But, the fruitful results are always worth the wait.The takeawayThe irony, like many things in life, is that solutions to our difficult problems have been right under our noses all along.Throughout history, the greatest minds- from Aristotle to William of Ockham to Einstein- have stumbled upon the unmistakable truths of the Occams Razor. That is, the simplest solution to any given problem is the best one.But, this flies in the face of mainstream beliefs that complex solutions are harder to implement and better for problem-solving.In reality, complexity is the easy way out. And simplicity is hard work- and the most powerful tool for solving difficult problems.Simplicity is an art. A thing of beauty. And in the words of the real genius, Le onardo Da VinciSimplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Mayo Oshin writes atMayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus,join his free weekly newsletter.A version of thisarticleoriginally appeared atmayooshin.comasEinstein, Aristotle and Ockham on How Real Geniuses Solve Difficult Problems.FootnotesCourtenay, William J., 1999. The Academic and Intellectual Worlds of Ockham. In Spade 1999, Chap. 1 (pp. 1730).Josies Storyby Sorrel King.Dr. Pronovostbewerbungsgesprchwith The New York Times.Pronovost et al (2006).An Intervention to Decrease Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections in the ICU. The New England journal of medicine. 355. 2725-32. 10.1056/NEJMoa061115.Newton, I. 1999. The Principia Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy A New Tran slation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman. Berkeley University of California Press.Einstein, A. 1954. Ideas and Opinions. New York Crown.Fitness club industrysizeand Supplement Industrysize.Some food for thoughtHow do we define simplicity? And how simple is simple enough?
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
6 Ways to Turn Procrastination into Productivity
6 Ways to Turn Procrastination into Productivity6 Ways to Turn Procrastination into ProductivityNearly all job seekers have the occasional day when they just cant seem to get moving. But instead of turning to daytime television or a Words With Friends marathon when the going gets tough, consider activities that provide a breather, turn procrastination into productivity,and offer the possibility of actually helping your job situation.Here are six ways to turn procrastination into productivity1. Try exercise.All those hours in front of the computer may be taking a toll on your body. A brisk walk, a yoga DVD, or an hour at the gym may boost energy and eliminate those neck and back aches that make sitting still so difficult.2. Organize your space.Clutter inhibits focus, so clean up your workspace. Youll spend less time hunting for things when you do return to job search activities, and the tidiness itself may lure you to sit down and stay a while.3. Get social.Connections remain a primar y way of finding positions, yet job seekers often overlook networking in favor of solitary activities such as searching job boards. Loneliness mightbe at the root of your procrastination, so seek opportunities to be around others.Invite a former coworker to lunch. Research meet-up groups of interest in your region. Explore community tafelgeschirr opportunities- employers love to see volunteer work on a resume, and youll make new acquaintances.4. Indulge your inner gamer.Check out Habitica, a fun app that rewards productive behavior (such as sending out a certain number of resumes) and issues consequences for procrastination.Join a community of fellow job seekers for extra support and accountability.5. Make an inspiration board.Use Pinterest or a good old-fashioned bulletin board to produce a visual reminder of your dreams. Fill it with inspiring quotes, reminders of why you do the work you do, people you admire, things youd like to buy anything goesNot only can the act of creating i t help you focus, but also youll have something tangible to turn to on other days when motivation slumps.6. Take the afternoon off.While it initially may sound counterproductive, a good break may be what you need to return to your hunt with new vigor. Take in a matinee, explore a museum, or see whats new at your local library.Allow yourself to have fun, says productivity expert Mitzi Weinman, author ofIts About Time Transforming Chaos into Calm, A to Z. A person cant and shouldnt spend entire days on job searches.Start Browsing Open Jobs
Friday, December 13, 2019
Navy Enlisted Rating Job Description Draftsman (DM)
Navy Enlisted Rating Job Description Draftsman (DM)Navy Enlisted Rating Job Description Draftsman (DM)Note this rating no longer exists. It was merged into the new Mass Communications Specialist (MC) rating in July 2006. The job description is maintained here for historic purposes only. General Info Illustrator-draftsmen prepare original art, technical illustrations, and graphics for briefings, training aids and publications at Navy and joint service commands. All openings that become available are provided via semi-annual selection board only. Experience is mandatory for selection. The same procedure applies to incoming recruits, who are boarded individually. Previous experience in drafting or graphic arts is required. What They Do The duties performed by DMs include preparing technical drawings and audio-visual materials such as charts, graphs, slides and television projectuals using a variety of art media, including pencil, pen, brush, airbrush, inks and paints using free hand, mechanical, photomechanical and computer-generated lettering preparing art and composing type for reproduction preparing technical drawings and audiovisual materials, such as maps, charts, 35mm slides, overhead transparencies and television projectuals operating audiovisual projection equipment operating photographic and graphic arts reproduction equipment operating personal computer/desk top publishing systems. Since duties vary according to billet, DMs may also perform duties normally done by ?LI, JOand PH, ratings. Detailed List of Required Duties ASVAB Score No Requirements Other Requirements No Additional Requirements. Technical Training Information No Navy schools are available for this rating. Interested personnel create and submit a portfolio to a qualifying board meeting semiannually in Washington, D.C. CNRC must also have perspective candidates boarded individually. Upon board approval, qualified personnel learn the basic skills required for the illustrator- draftsman rating through on-the-job training. DMs are assigned to major staffs ashore and afloat and serve in the fleet aboard repair ships, aircraft carriers, and amphibious ships. Petty officers maintain an even sea/shore rotation chief petty officers usually remain onshore stations. Working Environment Most DMs are assigned duties indoors in clean, office environments. For the most part, they work alone or in small groups, with little supervision. Their work is mostly mental, although it requires the physical translation of ideas into graphic form. Advancement (Promotion) Trends Career Progression None Available
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Number One Question You Must Ask for How to Put Study Abroad on Resume
The Number One Question You Must Ask for How to Put Study Abroad on Resume Going abroad during your career can be quite interesting to a lot of interviewers and will be able to help you compete in auf der ganzen welt marketsyou just have to emphasize the professional growth that you experienced on your journey. Even when youre applying to a purely-domestic company, the nation is becoming increasingly more international. Sometimes studying abroad will change your academic focus inside your major or even affect you to the point at which you may choose to pursue a unique major. In the us, theres the places you would really like to work since you believe in the mission, and the places you wind up working because it is a huge name or they pay. Whether you are searching for your very first professional worldwide job after graduating with a masters degree, or youre applying for your first internship or volunteer position abroad you need to remember that international resumes are not t he same as domestic resumes. Specify what sort of internship you did. My resume does not reflect the expert experience I want to gain within this internship. Begin with learning how to locate an internship thats appropriate for you and successfully apply for it. Address Other Differences There are a range of small differences to be on the lookout for in an international resume. This tactic is particularly helpful for people who are new to the work market and might not have sufficient material or experience to compose a complete 1-page Skills Summary. Find more information about the study alternatives available. Most employers will try to find your profile during your job search. If you are thinking about a career with a global component or searching for employment overseas, we additionally advise that you go to your campus Career Center. Its as a result of this that you are going to want to list study abroad under its own heading. So list such experience only supposing its highly regarding the job which youre seeking. It is possible to also mention specific dental procedures you have special experience with.2. Also, most of the students applying for MS applications dont have a work experience to speak about, leaving for them, a huge gap in your resume. It can occasionally be hard to convey the significance of such studies to possible employers. In such situations, its better to remain quiet. Actually, the ideal study abroad experiences do the specific opposite. The most suitable reference may be a fantastic method to really prove your intercultural adaptation and communication abilities. The most common kind of interview, called a behavioral interview, is based on the grounds your recent, relevant past performance is the very best predictor of future performance in similar conditions. Consider whatll be absolutely the most impactful and relevant to the role or company that youre targeting. Writing an objective anschauung at the peak of your resume will remind your reader of your targets and abilities, even in case you havent proven them on the work yet. I am aware that it may be a small awkward to chat about in an interview as it hasnt happened yet. Try to remember, the target of your CV isnt to document whatever youve done since you were 18, it only needs to convey key abilities, relevant experiences, and an overall hey, this guy or girl is actually interesting feeling so as to land you an interview. Your face a part of your brand and your aim is to be recognized. When you begin trying to find a job or career, think about the skilled and personal growth youve undergone while overseas. What You Need to Do About How to Put Study Abroad on Resume Starting in the Next 5 Minutes There are some important points that have to be considered whilst drafting a resume like the content, format and finally the amount of the resume. Apparently, language and travel descriptions must be more detailed. Furthermore, theres a typi cal format which an academic resume follows which you ought to keep in mind. Unless directed otherwise, set your cover letter within the body of your email. Studying abroad gives you the ability to explore new things which you would never have the ability to experience at home. Living abroad is the best opportunity to come up with your language skills, an essential asset in todays ever-more globalized world. Second, you should emphasize your cross-cultural abilities, especially in regard to the cross-cultural work atmosphere. Much like all references, be aya the individual knows you well, and can speak to your nature and abilities effortlessly. Next, you should reflect upon your experiences and think of the many ways you are able to demonstrate that you possess these skills. How your distinctive experience and skill set will make their lives easier daily.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Professional Resume Writing Service Perth Tips
Professional Resume Writing Service Perth Tips The New Fuss About Professional Resume Writing Service Perth All you need to do is to acquire prepared to impress the employer during the interview since the corporation is going to do its very best to furnish you with the very best credential you could possibly have. If youre tasked to write a college essay, youre bedrngnis alone. Other essay services might be more efficient regarding their operations but theyre not quite as effective as us. Yur good grades have to be emphasised and hopefully it will be said by the recruiter. All About Professional Resume Writing Service Perth With the expanding competition and reduction in the variety of good jobs, a growing number of individuals are turning to professionals to improve their CVs and raise their probability of employment with reputed employers. There are a lot of unorthodox job alternatives offered and youll be able to go for them. In case it seems like a generic objective that could apply to anybody, delete it quickly Again, whether you include an objective on day one of your resume is dependent on two or three factors. Professional Resume Writing Service Perth the Ultimate Convenience Lastly internet that is a veritable mine of information can be consulted also. Our reviews contain details such as the score of the clients, our rating, starting prices, Discounts, and grade of the papers. Give a telephone number that you always use. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to steer clear of low superior services. Great companies may also assure you that if you cant locate a work even after a specific period of time, they will rewrite you resume at no cost. In the modern flailing marketplace, everybody is searching for job security. You also need to mention about the things which youve accomplished in your prior jobs. Perhaps you havent updated your resume since your very first job out of college-1 0 years back. Every professional has its very own undefined rules that have to be followed during writing a work application for that particular domain. You must find out approaches to adjust your experience to the demands of the new job and place it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. As a conclusion, our group of skilled experts also provides a last verdict which will help you make a well-informed choice. For some of them you will require help, while others you may write by yourself.
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